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What If … ?

What if George was right?

What if both the 2016 and the 2020 pResidential elections were part of a Three Card Monte game being played by the real Powers-That-Be? Bear with me while I try to unravel the thought process.

What if in 2016 we were sold a bill of goods by the power-brokers and their hand-maiden presstitutes that a Democrat billionaire New Yorker masquerading as a conservative maverick somehow stole the pResidency from a communist harridan masquerading as an Arkansas political housewife who was intended to be our first “woman” pResident? This farce resulted in a four-year-long war of “resistance” against both the man and and the office that deepened the fracture between groups of Americans — citizens and non-citizens alike.

What if in 2020 we saw a re-shuffle of the cards, wherein the real intent of the previous four years was revealed as a set-up for an overt communist coup d’etat that effectively discarded the tattered remains of our constitutional republic and the founding documents which inevitably failed due to lack of maintenance?

What if such actions have a hidden purpose?

What if this whole fiasco — realistically going back decades, maybe more than a century — was based on the desire of those power-brokers to destroy the last great hope for the people on Earth to live freely, without being completely controlled at the bidding of a handful of oligarchs?

What if the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid!” was really the Rosetta Stone for the plans for world subjugation?

What if the sole purpose of the oligarchs is to reduce global society to two classes — the controllers and the controlled?

What if this all plays out to be the critical turning point for mankind?

What if this plan is real, and it succeeds?

What if our only remaining choices are to become Venezuela or to become Serbia?

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