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“Them” Are All Conservatives Now

Some of us still see our political paradigm as left versus right, or liberal versus conservative or even Democrat versus Republican. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. In today’s society, it is just us versus them.

Eisenhower had it right, but didn’t phrase it properly. It’s not the military-industrial complex, exactly. It’s the government-corporate complex. Included in ‘them’ are the military, the executive/legislative/judicial federal unholy trinity, the corporations that enable them in return for favors, and the complicit state bureaucracies that feed off federal largess. That’s the “them“.

The “us” is all the citizen dupes, of every shape and flavor. Oh yes, we’re indoctrinated to think that we’re diverse, but we’re not. We’re all frogs in the pot, as it were. And the temperature continues to rise.

We’re encouraged to rant and rave about the differences between you and me to disguise the fact that the real differences lie, hand in fisted glove, between the ones who control and the ones who allow themselves to be controlled.

The only true conservative in our society is the individual with power, who seeks, before all else, to retain the status quo ante, holding out against all opposing forces. Said individual is neither  left versus right, or liberal versus conservative or Democrat versus Republican. No, that individual is a person to whom we have granted authority, in the mistaken belief that the power we give them will be applied to serving us.

Power does not serve; it controls. We should have realized that granting the authority to speak for us is fundamentally different from granting the authority to think for us. And until we make that distinction clear, hold our alleged public servants accountable to that distinction, and remember how to think for ourselves and govern ourselves, we will remain slaves to the only true conservatives in America.

A Science Joke

For some reason, this seems to be my New Year’s contribution.

A group of wealthy horse racing investors wanted to be able to breed the perfect horse.

So they interviewed a geneticist, a nutritionist, and a physicist. Each was given a year to research the issue and submit a proposal to the investors.

The geneticist said that he could genetically engineer an unbeatable racehorse, but it would take 200 years and $100 billion.

The nutritionist reported next, saying that he could devise a program of nutrition that could produce winners, at a cost of $10 million per race.

Finally, the physicist reported that he could produce a winning horse at no expense to the investors. The investors, astounded, asked the physicist how he would do it. The physicist replied, “It was simple: first, I assumed a spherical horse in a vacuum … ”

The back story of where and when I heard that joke is even more interesting.

I was working under contract to a government lab on a procurement for an advanced system. We were reviewing bidders’ proposals, which were extensive and numerous.

The review team was composed mostly of upper level government scientists and engineers. The work was grinding, complicated, and tedious to the extreme. After days of grueling work, one of the engineers decided to try to lighten things up.

He told a few ‘regular’ jokes. No response. He told a few off-color jokes. Crickets.

The project liaison I was working with was a young guy from one of the physics think tanks serving the DoD. He told the joke above. The room fell apart.

Ain’t science wonderful?

Happy New Year to those who celebrate it now. (The rest of us will wait for either the Lunar New Year or the Spring Solstice. To each his own!)