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What do Socialists Think?

Who on Ur-Theta do they think “the market” is? And why can’t they see that the “market” against which they flail so mightily is far more “socialist” than “free”?

“… the core idea of socialism still stands: that people can get together and figure out how to solve their problems, or at least a lot of their problems, collectively. That we–not the market or the capitalists or some elite group of über-planners–have to control our own destiny.” Socialist Worker

Occam’s Razor

In a country where anti-American demonstrations break out, there are two choices: “fight or flight”, to stretch a phrase. Either fortify the embassies and import “defense forces” (as the HASC would appear to favor), or “GTFO” and avoid needless conflict and bloodshed. Close the embassy, evacuate all Americans, and issue a State Department travel advisory for that country. (After all, we’re free to travel, right?)

Now which seems the simpler, more elegant, more effective solution?

“Fred on Everything”

“… there is no honor in going to someone else’s country and butchering people you don’t know because some political general, which is to say some general, told you to; A hit man for the Mafia is exactly as honorable. For another thing, an army’s job is not to be brave, selfless, yada yada, but to win wars.” —


For those of you who still believe that voting Repugnican is necessary because we have to keep the Demoncrats out of power, I call your attention to the true agenda unmasked at the Beer Hall Putsch in Tampa last week.