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Our government is our true enemy

via John Whitehead at

I could not have said it better. Pull quote:

The republic has fallen.

The Deep State’s plot to take over America has succeeded.

The American system of representative government has been by a profit-driven, militaristic, corporate oligarchy bent on total control and global domination through the imposition of martial law here at home and by fomenting wars abroad.

Even now, we are being pushed and prodded towards a civil war, not because the American people are so divided but because that’s how corrupt governments control a populace (i.e., divide and conquer).

Richmond redux

To my slight surprise and great joy , “Lobby Day” went peacefully in Richmond, as far as I know right now. I’m tempted to attribute this to the fact that there were thousands of armed citizens present – as diverse a bunch as you’d ever want to see, at that.

An armed citizenry provides proof every single day of Heinlein’s argument: “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” Richmond was no exception. The people know this, even if their would-be controllers consistently deny it.

In an earlier post, I suggested a possible outcome from this event going forward. I suggest to you that the events of “Lobby Day” demand that to be the case. This remarkable event will vanish from Big Brother’s screens faster than Jeffrey Epstein.

And the beat goes on. Goodbye Richmond; welcome to … whatever’s next.

Some further thoughts on “Lobby Day”

As events unfold, and the iron glove tightens its grip on the situation, my first thoughts are to pray for: all of those attending; all citizens of Virginia; and all citizens of the former constitutional republic of the united States of America. My second thoughts:

  • Fact: it will be virtually impossible to actually attend the rally on the government grounds without being stripped ‘naked’, both of rights and of property.
  • Fact: the acts of the government of Virginia – executive and judicial – are violations of both the federal and state constitutions; they also violate a state law passed in 2012 (and voted for by the very same quisling who is now the state’s governor) that specifically prohibits exactly these acts.
  • Fact: the situation has been allowed to deteriorate – whether stupidly or cunningly – to the point that neither side can back down or negotiate, and the resulting scenario is virtually guaranteed to lead to negative consequences, no matter which way things go.
  • Fact: no matter which way things go, the cultures of both state and nation will emerge from this forever altered, and almost certainly not – at least near term – for the better.
  • Fact: the very existence of this situation – not to mention its consequences – is indicative of the deterioration of our culture and of the state of our nation.
  • Fact: it is unlikely that there is anything anyone can do at this point to right the ship of state without some faction or factions getting keel-hauled.
  • Fact: no matter what happens, tomorrow or in the future, in this culture war, it is we the people who will suffer; the oligarchs will thrive or, at worst, escape unscathed.

I am going to follow the advice of Clint Smith to not allow myself “to be subjected to the whims of other people without your permission”. That applies to the events of tomorrow and beyond. I urge you all to consider doing the same.

Thoughts on 01/20/20

The more I read about the upcoming “Lobby Day / MLK Day Rally” in Richmond VA, the more issues with it I have to think about. The more I think about it, the more uncertain I become. There are a number of people both smarter and more experienced than I who have provided rational and informed observations, all of which make very good sense to this poor soul.

I would refer interested readers to The Raconteur Report, Matt Bracken, and NCRenegade, to mention a few. Of course, VCDL is the primary source for rally plan information, and of course their position seems to have been clear from the beginning.

If I lived in a county where the sheriff and/or county government might be even slightly amenable to reasonable input, I would focus my attention there. Unfortunately, for reasons both beyond my control and not germane to this discussion, at this point in time I find myself living in a county where the sheriff was elected on a platform completely antithetical to liberty, and – needless to say – the county government is cut from the same cloth.

Why I would go to Richmond

  • It will prove important, quite possibly historic
  • The state needs to be held accountable for its attempted tyranny
  • The issue is as important to my state as it is to Virginia
  • It is a cause in which I believe

Why I would not go to Richmond

  • It may be the “buffalo jump” that Bracken and others think it is
  • It will almost certainly have no effect on the VA state government
  • It may turn into a confrontation like Charlottesville
  • It is a fertile ground for government covert action

On balance, I am going to defer to my better, more “mature” judgment. For personal reasons of interest only to me, I will watch from ‘down the road’ and pray for the safety of all attendees. I do believe that Monday, January 20th, 2020, will be a significant date in the republic’s history. I hope for us all that it will not be tragically so.