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ET, Stay Home

The “progressive” notion of government includes the notion of governance for the “greater good”. In order to achieve the greater good, the individual must be governed by the community.

When, inevitably, community governance fails to achieve equality (or even happiness) for all, blame must be diverted by asserting that the fault lies with the scope of government, not the concept, and the only solution is governance by a larger body.

The cycle repeats from town to county to state to nation. And thus we arrive at the rationale for globalism. Only through global government can we assure complete equality and happiness for all citizens of the world.

Does it never occur to the beneficiaries of this strange largesse that there is no logic to a philosophy that has as its sole strategy to always double down on failure?

We had just better hope that the search for extraterrestrial life never bears fruit.

Antifa/Fash Update

The war between Antifa and Fash has come to a (sort of) conclusion.

Antifa still shows up to the feeder regularly, but his attacks on Fash have tapered off to an occasional desultory peck or two, and often he pays no attention at all. (Is it sexist that I assume Antifa to be male? And if it is, why is it? Discuss.)

My takeaway from this is that a bird will only bang its beak against an imaginary yet unyielding enemy for so long before even it realizes that it is only hurting itself.

Or maybe, to bring the anthropomorphizing to its inevitably ridiculous conclusion, its friends have convinced him that he is not doing anybody any good, much less advancing a meaningless, vapid, self-destructive cause that has no true goal. (Or — far less likely — he matured and put away childish things.)

Is It Time?

Is it time?

Time to take a position?

Time to commit to it wholeheartedly?

Time to explain it to your family and friends?

Time to publicly state it in words?

Time to publicly state it in actions?

Time to defend it by any means necessary?

Time to be prepared to give your all for it?

Is it time?

If not, why?

If not, when?

Object – Subject – Verb

I submit that Grand Jedi Master Yoda was not entirely correct when he pontificated “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” As Shaolin as it sounds, the truth appears to be somewhat different.

When one is young, doing is generally easy. “Trying” is more likely to reflect a lack of effort than a measure of difficulty.

When one is older, however, doing often becomes problematic. Then, in the vernacular:

“A measure of character, trying is.”

A Quick Question

How can some of the American people so assiduously and comprehensively seek to apply the Preamble’s “promote the general Welfare” while “with equal fervor and fine impartiality”¹ completely ignore the succeeding “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity“?

¹ John Llewellyn Lewis, “Labor and the Nation” speech, September 3rd 1937