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What if … ? [pt. 1]

Mondo cane, or mondo diavolo?

Screw on that tinfoil lid, kiddies; we’re going for a ride. It starts out slow, but I promise both twists and acceleration as we go along.

Many suspect that the 2020 pResdential election was rigged. Many others think that it was actually the 2016 election. What if it were both? What if both elections were designed to put a “Useful Idiot” stooge into office to act as a ventriloquist’s dummy for a much larger scale ‘hidden’ agenda? Have you taken a look at the heads of state around the world lately? What if they’re all UIs? Can you think of a single one who can’t be considered as a dummy (in both senses of the word)?

And what if this issue is not an isolated one, but rather merely one more in a string of different events that are all related to a common purpose?

[to be continued]

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