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At This Point, What Difference Does It Make Anyway?

The AZ senatorial race is important for reasons having nothing — and yet everything — to do with Kyrsten Sinema or Martha McSally.

First, let’s consider the two candidates, in an imagined vacuum: all other factors not considered, which candidate — on her own merits alone — should have won? On the one hand, we have McSally, a retired USAF combat veteran, only the second Republican ever to represent a southern Arizona-based district in the U.S. House of Representatives, who has an excellent reputation in the House, especially after her second term. On the other, we have Sinema, a Chuck Schumer protege, the first openly bisexual member of Congress, who is a former Green Party activist, opposes capitalism, and who was once labeled by the Arizona Democratic Party as “too extreme”?

Second, consider the state of Arizona as a whole: would you have expected the result to favor a progressive or a conservative? Like most states that are somewhat wistfully called “purple”, the overall political history has been conservative. Even Sinema, ever the political pragmatist perhaps, has been chastised by the Democrat powers-that-be as leaning too far to the right, even of supporting — gasp! — Trump the majority of the time.

Now consider the outcome: the election was very close, and McSally’s concession was almost certainly a calculated move to protect her short-term political future, with her eye on the Senate seat being vacated (sooner rather than later, perhaps?) by John Kyl. Unlike races in Mississippi (run-off) and Florida (WTF knows?), the outcome manages to both mean something in one sense and nothing in another.

One final note regarding outcomes: undecided outcomes favor the Democrats, regardless of specifics. Each gives the unprincipled leaders of that party an opportunity to blame Trump for every negative aspect of the election while managing to keep the MSM (their useful idiot mouthpieces) braying ‘coverage’ of the infighting as other more important issues compete for distant second-level attention.

So, gentle reader, when all is said and done, do you still think that elections (both this and future) and voting really matter? Or is the outcome controlled and manipulated by the money men and the power brokers? The logical conclusion seems inescapable: like never before, the people truly have no voice in the matter, and government of, by, and for the people has in fact long since perished from the earth.