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“I did not break the law”

That depends on what your definition of “is” is, apparently. In the sorry case of John Edwards, Federal prosecutors disagree. Granted, in such a case — politician lawyer versus feral gummint bureaucrat lawyer — it’s hard to tell the playah without a pogrom.

Nonetheless, MSM gunships could be sighted in the skies above The Dash all day, as thousand dollar suits danced and preened. While the 3M carefully parse their words, while furiously stirring the pot — a house specialty among members of the fourth estate — the rest of the world yawns and tries to figure out how to get by from day-to-day.

In Rome, the circuses continue until morale improves.

Am I an anarchist?

A while back, I had someone ask me if I was a “Rothbardian market anarchist”.

I assume that his contention was that there are numerous flavors of anarchist. I got to thinking: am I oversimplifying the anarchy thing? Assuming you don’t add your own meaning to the word, it seems pretty straightforward.

What do we think? Are there indeed shades of anarchy? While we’re at it, let’s settle the definition of “libertarian”, once and for all. OK, maybe I just answered my own question.

“Or are we just jerking off?”
