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For those of you who still believe that voting Repugnican is necessary because we have to keep the Demoncrats out of power, I call your attention to the true agenda unmasked at the Beer Hall Putsch in Tampa last week.


“Any people anywhere, so inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable and sacred right — a right which, we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.” — 1848, Congressman Abraham Lincoln

Marse Robert

“I consider…the consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, to be the precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it” — Robert E Lee

Ass-ed reflux

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:

Citizens, voting for Exalted Leader accomplishes nothing. And no matter what you say, you’re choosing between Statist O and Statist R, with calamitous interventionist foreign policies, and spendthrift socialist domestic policies. “Any way you look at it, you lose.”


“… all the legislation of the world has had its origin in the desires of one class of persons to plunder and enslave others, and hold them as property.”


“What, then, is legislation? It is an assumption by one man, or body of men, of absolute, irresponsible dominion over all other men whom they can subject to their power.”

Lysander Spooner, “Natural Law”

Independence Day 2011

Independence Day, ten years on, and what do we have to show for our increased domestic security presence?

A small handful of wars,

one [maybe?] dead evil mastermind,

a ruined economy,

third world nation status imminent,

and a malaise that would make Jimmy Carter blanch.

Surely we have more respect for our fallen citizens, emergency responders, and military personnel!

[ NB: this post is twenty days late because it lay in ‘Drafts’ until I read War by Sebastian Unger, at which time it crystallized. I highly recommend the ‘trilogy’ of War, Infidel, and Restrepo. ]


‎”The development of the anus was an important stage in the evolution of multicellular animals.” ~ Wikipedia

So, assholes actually evolved?

And are considered important in our species’ advancement?

Who knew?

Pepe la Pew

<< Here are some clues that you may have come across a marijuana cultivation site:

Sometimes marijuana smells like a skunk on hot days. … >>


The feral gummint, in its zeal to control all drugs not currently put through the FDA wringer (especially those of natural origin and proven to be effective), come across sounding like buffoons (oh wait, they are buffoons!) every time they speak.

In this instance, the ferals are concerned that John Q might stumble across a band of crazed weed growers who would skin the menfolk for hats and sell the womenfolk to Islam as slaves. Or something.

In North Carolina’s “National Forests”. (Now, I could digress on exactly who owns said national forests, but that is a thought warranting its own post.)

In fact the insane drug warriors need to justify their paramilitary raids on that great growing class of citizens hereafter known as “Criminals Without Victims”. Into which category we soon all will be placed. (Red Dawn only got one point wrong (albeit a big one). It won’t be the hapless Russkies who occupy this nation. Our death from above will also be from within.)

Deathfromabove2.jpg (18643 bytes)

I have spent extensive time in NC’s ‘national’ parks and forests, typically off the beaten tourist path. And while I am a firm believer in always being equipped to protect myself — regardless of venue — I have never had to fill my hand to protect myself from these alleged pot growers. Now this may simply be because I have enough sense to always be aware of my surroundings, but I suspect that it is really because this, like the threats postulated by TSA, ICE, and Homeland Security trolls everywhere exists only in their fevered brains and in their lust for a bigger budget.

I could be wrong; and, if attacked by rabid pot growers in NC’s Nantahala, I assure my gentle readers I will let you know.

Just don’t hold your breath — unless you’ve got a good lungful!

Oh, the agony!

NC “Governor” Perdue is currently struggling with a veto decision over the new state budget just passed by the first Repuglican-controlled legislature in 100 years (forget, Hell!). From the agonizing in the MSM, one might think that this was a monumental issue, that the future for tax slaves throughout the state was unclear.

But only if you don’t understand politics. The budget passed is full of “flexible cuts”, which is what allows the Demoncrats to call the budget Armageddon, while the Repuglicans simultaneously get to call it fiscal Heaven.

What “flexible cuts” really means is that you can subtract dollars from the budget to get it passed, then reinstate them at will after the booboisie has been duped into accepting it. That way, the Repuglicans get credit for fiscal responsibility, the Demoncrats get to vent their frustrations, the bureaucrats get to exercise their unwarranted power, and the tax slave just gets to suck it.

So, whether or not this play has another act is irrelevant. The good guys are all bad guys, and the audience gets it in the end.

Sic semper tyrannis!