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Remember that we all are brothers
All people, beasts, tree and stone and wind
We all descend from the one great being
That was always there
Before people lived and named it
Before the first seed sprouted


We have become “civilized” which as with all things has its light and dark aspects.

Lately it seems that our hubris rules our actions. We have come to believe that we are capable of controlling all things through a combination of denial of evidence and relying on feelings rather than intellect. Such a belief is to me prima facie evidence of madness.

This belief system produces nothing good, as nearly as I can tell. It’s an illogical extension of my generation’s meaningless phrase, “If it feels good, do it!” We are the current product of our evolution as a species, both physical and mental. If we deny from whence we came, then we become detached, and if we insist that we are all the same then we become indistinguishable.

When the Founders said that “all men are created equal”, they were referring quite literally to our creation, not to some sort of “Homogenus” species — please forgive the play on words.

As our current American culture devolves, it becomes clear to me that each step away from our roots is a step backward.

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