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Gab and the Boomers

[Author’s note: Gab has been much in the news around these parts for days. As of this writing, the site is still MIA. We continue to pray for its return, uncensored and healthy.]

#Gab is far from perfect for a variety of reasons, but it is still better than any rival, for a variety of more important reasons. There is one relevant thing that strikes close to home that I would like to discuss here.

Among the many cohorts on Gab is an unorganized militia of Boomer-haters. Being a Boomer, I am bewildered, incapable of understanding the anathema. The gist of the focus seems to be that Boomers, unlike any generation before or since really fouled things up.

I am in the vanguard of those who despair for our culture, though my reasons are far more diverse. One of them, I admit, is my impression that certain of my peers stopped growing intellectually in roughly the early ’70s. So I suppose that is why I do not dismiss the “Boomer Busters” (hereafter “BBs”) outright.

I do, however, think that there is a truth kernel that the BBs must acknowledge. Anyone who has no adult memories of the year 1968 has no standing to judge the Boomer generation. There is much to be learned from an examination of that seminal year. As a handy summary reference, I direct you to Pat Buchanan’s excellent column, “Is This Worse Than ’68?”

Boomers were shaped by 1968, especially the politically active ones. Many of them have been involved actively or passively in Democrat party politics since then. Many others who had not already done so in the previous half-decade became hypersensitive to the underlying ‘religion’ of that party.

The Democrat Party seniors of today fondly recall 1968 and long for the excitement and the (foolishly mistaken) belief that they were going to change the world for the better, against all odds.

Those people, the BBs should despise. But they must despise even more the useful idiots of succeeding generations who have bought into the Democrat cult creed and who are the ones acting on it on the front lines of the current culture clash.

Unlike Mr. Buchanan, I think it remains to be seen whether this 50th anniversary year will be worse. Right now, it clearly is not. But there’s plenty of time after November 6th for it to make a strong run on the record.

And to my #GabFam, I say “Speak freely, but do please know of what you speak.”

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