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Love and Hate

I love my country. I will do all that I can to defend her people and her way of life.

I hate my government. I will do all that I can to resist it and its destruction of my country.

I love the people who love this country. I will do all that I can to defend them and their way of life.

I hate the people who hate this country. I will do all that I can to resist them and their destruction of my country.

Palm Sunday

The next day a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out:
‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’
The King of Israel!”
Then Jesus, when He had found a young donkey, sat on it; as it is written:
“Fear not, daughter of Zion;
Behold, your King is coming,
Sitting on a donkey’s colt.”
~ John 12: 12-15

Thoughts on 01/20/20

The more I read about the upcoming “Lobby Day / MLK Day Rally” in Richmond VA, the more issues with it I have to think about. The more I think about it, the more uncertain I become. There are a number of people both smarter and more experienced than I who have provided rational and informed observations, all of which make very good sense to this poor soul.

I would refer interested readers to The Raconteur Report, Matt Bracken, and NCRenegade, to mention a few. Of course, VCDL is the primary source for rally plan information, and of course their position seems to have been clear from the beginning.

If I lived in a county where the sheriff and/or county government might be even slightly amenable to reasonable input, I would focus my attention there. Unfortunately, for reasons both beyond my control and not germane to this discussion, at this point in time I find myself living in a county where the sheriff was elected on a platform completely antithetical to liberty, and – needless to say – the county government is cut from the same cloth.

Why I would go to Richmond

  • It will prove important, quite possibly historic
  • The state needs to be held accountable for its attempted tyranny
  • The issue is as important to my state as it is to Virginia
  • It is a cause in which I believe

Why I would not go to Richmond

  • It may be the “buffalo jump” that Bracken and others think it is
  • It will almost certainly have no effect on the VA state government
  • It may turn into a confrontation like Charlottesville
  • It is a fertile ground for government covert action

On balance, I am going to defer to my better, more “mature” judgment. For personal reasons of interest only to me, I will watch from ‘down the road’ and pray for the safety of all attendees. I do believe that Monday, January 20th, 2020, will be a significant date in the republic’s history. I hope for us all that it will not be tragically so.


Remember that we all are brothers
All people, beasts, tree and stone and wind
We all descend from the one great being
That was always there
Before people lived and named it
Before the first seed sprouted


We have become “civilized” which as with all things has its light and dark aspects.

Lately it seems that our hubris rules our actions. We have come to believe that we are capable of controlling all things through a combination of denial of evidence and relying on feelings rather than intellect. Such a belief is to me prima facie evidence of madness.

This belief system produces nothing good, as nearly as I can tell. It’s an illogical extension of my generation’s meaningless phrase, “If it feels good, do it!” We are the current product of our evolution as a species, both physical and mental. If we deny from whence we came, then we become detached, and if we insist that we are all the same then we become indistinguishable.

When the Founders said that “all men are created equal”, they were referring quite literally to our creation, not to some sort of “Homogenus” species — please forgive the play on words.

As our current American culture devolves, it becomes clear to me that each step away from our roots is a step backward.

Sing Second

I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the ‘state of the union’ is such that there is no longer any value in defending Confederate memorials. They are but symbols of what we should defend — our Southron culture. The memorials were only allowed as a “Reconstruction” olive branch offered by the most federal tyrannical government in American history before now.

The important thing for us is to focus on preserving the heritage and culture that makes the South different. And that starts at the family level. If you’re lucky, maybe you can extend it to the neighborhood – or to the extended family in close proximity, preferably. The community level is more problematic; we have become so mobile that you don’t form a community any more, you have to find one. For those in a position to do so, this is probably as close as you will get to an optimal situation. And even that requires a degree of physical isolation from the forces of evil.

It is my belief that only through such strategic and tactical actions will we achieve victory in this vital endgame.

NOTE: I am not a good role model for this philosophy myself. My family situation is such that nothing short of a financial miracle will allow me to make that happen in the time I have left on this mortal coil. Nonetheless, I am going to try. Are you?