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A Letter to Rome

To: Bill Rabon

Cc: Phil Berger, Chad Barefoot

Senator Rabon:

I am writing you to request an explanation as to why you will not allow HB 746 (referred to your committee on 6/12/2017) to advance in the Senate. This bill enjoys strong support statewide, and there is an equally strong national movement in this direction. I cannot imagine why you would willfully ignore the wishes of the people, or why you would use the bully pulpit of your chairmanship as a weapon of resistance to your constituency.

(I have heard through GRNC that you have even browbeaten an activist who promised to relay your true position on the bill to others. I have no evidence that this is true, and am not empowered to judge you even if it is. Such a matter is between you and your God regarding how you will act as a man. Nonetheless, it is undoubtedly an incident that is easily verified or disproved by evidence, and I would certainly question the suitability to occupy a position of trust and power of any man who would demonstrate such disdain for the people.)

My concern, however, is focused on the apparent misuse of power that leads someone to use his influence in a dictatorial manner. Last I checked, our elected officials are public servants, not puppet masters. I would greatly appreciate it if you would educate me as to your rational justification for denying this bill a proper hearing. I will be more than happy to report your response (or the lack thereof) to any and all concerned.

I have copied the President Pro Tempore and my state senator on this matter and I will welcome and relay any response they may (or may not) have. [Please note that I treat “boilerplate” responses as a form of disinterested dismissal.]

Thank you,