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Sing Second

I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the ‘state of the union’ is such that there is no longer any value in defending Confederate memorials. They are but symbols of what we should defend — our Southron culture. The memorials were only allowed as a “Reconstruction” olive branch offered by the most federal tyrannical government in American history before now.

The important thing for us is to focus on preserving the heritage and culture that makes the South different. And that starts at the family level. If you’re lucky, maybe you can extend it to the neighborhood – or to the extended family in close proximity, preferably. The community level is more problematic; we have become so mobile that you don’t form a community any more, you have to find one. For those in a position to do so, this is probably as close as you will get to an optimal situation. And even that requires a degree of physical isolation from the forces of evil.

It is my belief that only through such strategic and tactical actions will we achieve victory in this vital endgame.

NOTE: I am not a good role model for this philosophy myself. My family situation is such that nothing short of a financial miracle will allow me to make that happen in the time I have left on this mortal coil. Nonetheless, I am going to try. Are you?

Family and Friends

I have become something of a hermit in the recent past, for various reasons – some good, some bad. I have always been pretty much a “loner” – a private person – or, as the Myers-Briggs folks would say, ‘I get my strength from within’.

Just yesterday, however, I reached out to one of my oldest and dearest friends, with whom I had lost contact for some time. I didn’t realize it at the time, but it was really part of a complete change of mind that once again recognizes the need for contact with others.

I am glad I did so; I feel as if it was like turning a key and opening a door. I went back to my Facebook page – much as I despise the politics with which Facebook chooses to align itself – because through that medium I can keep in touch with a number of friends, both new and old, as well as distant family members.

I won’t proselytize, but I will point out that family and friends are important. Yes, they carry a lot of ‘baggage’ as well, but we are by nature social beings, and the need for contact is ingrained in our core.

So I, for myself, will go against my baser tendencies and will strive to make and keep better contact with those I love. You have been warned!

And Nothing Else Matters

They have been known to say, “Family matters!”, although only in quite specific contexts.

Nowadays, it seems, they should say, “Only family that matters, matters!” [If you need a word of explanation, some pigs are more important than others.]

My only surprise is that anyone would be surprised in the change of outlook. After all, our disposable society has merely extended the concept to people. After all, They have finally admitted that to them the individual human life has no value. To them, only those humans who are willing to be enslaved really matter.

People Before Profit

Tucker Carlson drives on deep into America in his opening monologue on 1/2/19 (~15 min.).

Two minor quibbles: I wish he could realize that not all libertarians and not all conservatives are capitalism worshipers above all else. There are plenty of people of each persuasion who are fully aware that economic philosophy is a tool, not a religion. Also, it is possible to be libertarian about immigration and still recognize that there is something fundamentally wrong and evil about government immigration policy that makes a rational approach temporarily impossible.

As is almost always the case, the elite controllers are the problem that must be addressed first, last, and always. With ruthless resolve.

We need to put “family” first in all things.